.. title:: Welcome to Hopes! .. toctree:: :hidden: Overview Estimators Policies Selection Hopes ===== What's in the box? ------------------ **HOPES**, which stands for **H**\ VAC optimisation with **O**\ ff **P**\ olicy **E**\ valuation and **S**\ election, is a Python package for evaluating and selecting RL-based control policies. It offers a set of estimators and tools to evaluate the performance of a target policy, compared to a baseline policy (characterized by an offline logged dataset), using off-policy evaluation techniques. It's particularly suited for the context of HVAC control, where the target policy is an RL-based controller and the baseline policies are rule-based controllers. Why Hopes? ---------- Hopes is designed to be a flexible and easy-to-use package for evaluating and selecting RL-based control policies. Imagine you have a dataset of logged actions and observations from a building HVAC system, and you want to evaluate the performance of one or several RL-based controller. Hopes provides a set of tools to help you do that, including: - Estimators for evaluating the performance of a target policy compared to a baseline policy. - Tools for selecting the best policy among a set of candidate policies. - Tools for visualizing the results of the evaluation and selection process. - Dataset preprocessing tools to prepare the data for evaluation. Installation ------------ Supported Python versions: 3.10+ *From PyPI* .. code-block:: bash :linenos: pip install hopes *From source (development version)* .. code-block:: bash :linenos: git clone https://github.com/airboxlab/hopes.git cd hopes # using poetry poetry install # using pip pip install -r requirements.txt